Introduction to the Summer 2014 Issue
I am pleased to offer you summer reading with three essays.
I want to thank Anna Leung, our London correspondent who wrote about the exhibition A Dialogue with Nature: Romantic Landscapes from Britain and Germany, which she viewed at the Courtauld Gallery where it premiered. This exhibition has traveled to its partner space and is now on view at the Morgan Library and Museum in New York City through September 7, 2014. The Morgan is a wonderful respite at any time of the year but in the summer it should feel like a particularly perfect an oasis in the city. This exhibition of drawings should soothe the body and soul from the urban summer with vistas of mountains, ruins, forests, and the sea. It is a vacation of cool observations for the eye and the mind.
The imaginative exhibition Dream Cars, written about for TAS by Atlanta architect George Hornbein, offers another kind of vacation. Thank you, George, for bringing us your passion for the automobile as form, design, and fantasy. This show is here in Atlanta all summer at The High Museum of Art.
And for a few weeks more, through July 7, you can see Kara E. Walker’s majestic A Subtlety, her amazing installation in the old Domino Sugar plant on the East River in NYC. I had the pleasure of spending my Mother’s Day with this Mammy, and I hope I did her justice in my essay here.
Just another word about New York City during the weekend of the Frieze Art Fair. I have to say there were so many amazing works up at the Fair and its satellite fairs. At Frieze, I delighted in works by Mary Heilmann, Louise Fishman, and the delicious three gallery walls of drawings by Carroll Dunham---all were standouts for me. I was not as fond of the satellite fairs as some of my colleagues, but in the galleries in Chelsea and elsewhere were amazing exhibitions by Tara Donovan at Pace, a real stunner by Chaim Soutine at Paul Kasim, (Life in Death: Still Lifes and Select Masterworks of Chaim Soutine, on view April 24 - June 14, 2014) and Tunga at Luhring Augustine. And at the Museum of Modern Art, there were three important and beautiful shows by Brazilian Lygia Clark, the German artist Sigmar Polke, as well as French artist Paul Gauguin (Metamorphoses). These were my favorites, but I must admit I did not make it south of 24th Street. There was so much terrific work up and not enough time.
Please let us know what you have seen this summer that stays in your mind. I will post all!!!
Happy Trails,
Deanna Sirlin
The Art Section

Deanna Sirlin is an artist and the author of She's Got What It Takes: American Women Artists in Dialogue, published by Charta Art Books and available through The Art Section at theartsection@gmail.com.
Tara Donovan, Untitled, 2014. acrylic and adhesive, 10' 1/2" x 14' 2" x 12' 10-3/4".
Courtesy of Pace Gallery, New York City.