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Welcome to the new and improved The Art Section. This month, as we were about to archive our articles from the last issue, I felt that I would like to go back and reread, re-listen and discuss them again. I knew how to access them in the archive, but I thought there must be a better design for all this. We have given The Art Section a new look, and slowly we will move the archived materials from the old TAS into the new format. We hope this leads to easier reading, watching, and viewing.


For those of you who are new to TAS, we are an online magazine of art and cultural commentary. We have been around for over six years now and have published close to two hundred articles about art, artists, poets, musicians and filmmakers. We have writers from across the globe from Atlanta, where we are based, to Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and Colombia as well as Canada and Mexico. We are a 501c3, which means we are not for profit. We do not receive any public support at this time. We welcome your support no matter the size of the donation, which you can do through our Paypal account.


We would love to hear from you, our subscribers. I promise to pass along your comments and questions to our writers and answer all you send to me.


All my best,


Deanna Sirlin

Editor-In- Chief

The Art Section

Photo by Madeline Michelle


Rover Thomas [Joolama],

'Cyclone Tracy', 1991.

Natural earth pigments and binder on canvas. 168 x 180 cm. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Purchased 1991. © the artist's estate courtesy Warmun Art Centre.


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