The Body Exquisite: Roger Aplon

Roger Aplon
Grand Via: the shop of Marcelo Vila
Each day & all afternoon the full breasted & lean hipped mannequins of Marcelo Vila languish naked & with lowered eyes / some draped in tinsel & some in silver foil & none in the bright lights of the night when they will dress in orange & purple gowns & tease their lacquered hair & highlight their nails & apply tattoos to their shoulders & thighs & they will practice cunnilingus & dance by twos & threes & perform fellatio on the solitary male who’s been bronzed & knotted & bound to a post & one will begin to speak & then another & soon the upper floor is wringing with their curses & their tongues mingle & their boots tap out their demands & one will usually extract her head & another an arm & parade at their window & remove some clothes & pose & strut & not too long & not if Marcelo Vila is coming & not if the portero is near & not if you or I have come to watch & not if the sun begins to rise.
Roger Aplon has had fifteen books published: 1 of prose poems & short fiction: Intimacies & 14 of poetry, most recently The Omnipotent Sorcerer – Unsolicited Press. In the course of his long career he’s been awarded many prizes and honors including an arts fellowship from the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos, New Mexico. He lives in Beacon, New York where he edits & publishes ‘Waymark - A Poetry Magazine’.