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The Body Exquisite: Ana Luísa Amaral 

Ana Luiěsa Amaral Lisboa Revisited Julho 2018.2.JPG

Ana Luísa Amaral

Photo: Casa Fernando Pessoa

Nude: a study in poignancyAna Luísa Amaral
00:00 / 01:05
Nu: estudo em comoçãoAna Luísa Amaral
00:00 / 01:03

Nude: a study in poignancy



What are you thinking about

when you look at me like that,

as you lie on the sofa,

diagonal to the place I sit,

with me pretending not to look at you?


What is your body thinking about,

your long, elastic body,

ready to come to me

if I call?


Ears slightly pricked,

paws furled,

what can you see now in the whites of your eyes:

a crescent moon,

a pale meadow?


And when you sleep, at other times,

what dreams travel through you:

your mother, a mouse, a soft hand, a leap

so perfect

and high, so lithe?


Where: the uncold night

that will one day

shelter us


and that will

(as it must)


be the same?

Translation: Margaret Jull Costa

Nú: estudo em comoção



Em que meditas tu

quando olhas para mim dessa maneira,

deitada no sofá

diagonal ao espaço onde me sento,

fingindo eu não te olhar?


Em que pensa o teu corpo

elástico, alongado,

pronto a vir ter comigo

se eu pedir?


As orelhas contidas em recanto,

as patas recuadas,

o que atravessa agora o branco dos teus olhos:

lua em quarto-crescente,

um prado claro?


E quando dormes, como noutras horas,

que sonhos te viajam:

a mãe, a caça, a mão macia, o salto

muito perfeito

e alto, muito esguio?


Onde: a noite sem frio

que nos abrigará

um dia


e que há-de ser

(só pode ser)



Ana Luísa Amaral has written poetry, plays, children’s books, a novel and is translated into over twenty languages. She was awarded national and international prizes, recently the Reina Sofia Prize for Ibero American Poetry. She has several books in English, the latest being What’s in a Name (transl. Margaret Jull Costa, NY, New Directions, 2019).

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