Mondrian || Nicholson: In Parallel at the Courtauld Gallery, London. Photo courtesy of Andy Parkinson,
All three of our contributors this month are visual artist who also write about art: their own and that of others. Because The Art Section has regularly featured artists writing about art, we thought it might be a good moment to examine that phenomenon in itself. Our Editor-in-Chief, Deanna Sirlin, asked Carol Diehl, a distinguished artist and art writer (she is a Contributing Editor to Art In America, among many impressive achievements) to give us her thoughts on what it means to be both an artist and a writer. Deanna, who is also both a writer and an artist, contributed to the discussion, resulting in the two-part feature "The Artist/Writer Conundrum" we offer in this issue.
We round out the issue with Anna Leung's thoughts on the current exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery in London that puts the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian into dialogue with the British Modernist Ben Nicholson. Like Carol Diehl and Deanna Sirlin, Anna Leung brings her background as a practicing artist to bear on her work as a writer.
I wish you a happy spring!
All my best,
Philip Auslander
The Art Section