To Painting at The Arts Center of the Capital Region, Troy, NY, April 2007.
Robert Motherwell, Red 8-11, acquatint, 1972.
Dear Readers,
The Spanish poet Rafael Alberti, in the middle of the last century, writes “A La Pintura” (“To Painting”) dedicated to his friend Picasso after going to the Prado. In 1972 Robert Motherwell creates an artist’s book with aquatint images and letterpress texts after he finds these poems and is moved by them. In 2007 Jane Rigler performs a piece with flute and electronics and interactive video engineering that she has composed after being inspired by both poems and prints. The butterfly effect continues, as H. Cecilia Suhr writes about this performance for The Art Section.
In these days at the beginning of this century it is a pleasure for me to present Phil Auslander’s interview with video artist Paul Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer has made work referencing Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, and various sports figures; these are his Prado. Media artist Daniele Roney found the most interesting work at Art Basel Miami 07 to be in the exhibition Thermostat: Video and the Pacific Northwest, which she has written about for us here. I wonder how thinking about these diverse works and discussions will influence my thoughts in the year to come.
Happy New Year !
All my best,
Deanna Sirlin is editor-in-chief of The Art Section and an artist.
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