Lilburn, Georgia, USA. Photo: Mike Jensen, 2008.
Dear Readers,
The October Art Section is finally here. And The Art Section is evolving. You may have noticed that we have launched on the 15th of the month; our plan is to continue to do so (although the issue after our November/December issue will appear on January 15th, 2009). You will also be seeing more articles by yours truly. I have begun a series on Women and the Art World with a recollection and appreciation of the artwork of Anne Truitt.
And something very new: I commissioned the artist and photographer Mike Jensen to photograph the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Temple, a new Hindu sanctuary in Lilburn, Georgia. Lilburn, which is part of Atlanta’s sprawling suburbia, is changing dramatically. As Kathy Lohr reported for NPR, "The temple is an engineering marvel. No steel or metals have been used in the construction, and each piece, hand-carved and imported from India, was numbered, divided into sections and eventually set in place. The whole structure fits together like a giant jigsaw puzzle."
I was so delighted by Mike Jensen’s photographs that I showed them to poet Danielle Deadwyler, who was inspired to write a poem for this issue. Mike Jensen has generously agreed to make this portfolio available as a limited edition and to donate part of the proceeds to benefit The Art Section. If you would like more information please click here. I hope this will be the first of many TAS inspired artist’s projects.
And last, but certainly not least, Phil Auslander recently gave a lecture at the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center (aka The Contemporary) on Brian De Palma’s The Phantom of the Paradise, which has now become a cult film. His article is adapted from that presentation.
All my best,
Deanna Sirlin is editor-in-chief of The Art Section. She is an artist and writer.
Photo: T.W. Meyer.